Professional Troublemaker with Luvvie Ajayi Jones

Be Aggressively Genuine (with KevOnStage)

Episode Summary

In this episode, Luvvie is feeling good about her new reel and your heartfelt reactions to her work, rants on why Reply All is the devil, gives love to the DF Nigerian Food Truck in New York, and chats with actor, comedian, and social media influencer KevOnStage about making digital comedy and why being himself is his key to success.

Episode Notes

In this episode, Luvvie is feeling good about her new reel and your heartfelt reactions to her work, rants on why Reply All is the devil, gives love to the DF Nigerian Food Truck in New York, and chats with actor, comedian, and social media influencer KevOnStage about making digital comedy and why being himself is his key to success.

Follow Kev on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! He’s @KevOnStage everywhere. Also, check out his website to catch the stay up-to-date on his latest videos and when he’s coming to a city near you.

Follow @Luvvie everywhere on social – Instagram, Facebook, Twitter. And visit her blog Buy her book I’M JUDGING YOU: The Do-Better Manual.

Have thoughts about the episode? Share on social media using the hashtag #RantsandRandomness or post at the official podcast Twitter or Instagram accounts.

Recorded at: Chicago Recording Company

Producer: Candace Jones