Professional Troublemaker with Luvvie Ajayi Jones

Let Love Save You (with Yvette Noel-Schure)

Episode Summary

In this #ArchiveApril episode, we're re-airing Luvvie's interview with Yvette Noel-Schure - legendary media mogul and publicist to stars like Prince, Maxwell, and Beyonce. Luvvie and Yvette are talking about how she chooses happiness and has established an award-winning career built on respect, loyalty, hard work, and love.

Episode Notes

In this #ArchiveApril episode, we're re-airing Luvvie's 2019 interview with Yvette Noel-Schure - legendary media mogul and publicist to stars like Prince, Maxwell, and Beyonce. Luvvie and Yvette are talking about how she chooses happiness and has established an award-winning career built on respect, loyalty, hard work, and love. And Yvette shares one of our favorite, heart-opening stories we've ever heard on the podcast. We learned so much about love and life from this conversation, we wanted to share it again.

Be sure to follow Yvette on  Instagram (@yvettenoelschure) and come back next week for an all-new episode of Professional Troublemaker.


Follow @Luvvie everywhere – InstagramFacebookTwitter. Check out her New York Times best-selling book I’M JUDGING YOU: The Do-Better Manual! And be sure to order Luvvie’s second New York Times bestselling book PROFESSIONAL TROUBLEMAKER: The Fear Fighter Manual wherever books are sold.

Have thoughts about the episode? Share on social media using the hashtag #ProfessionalTroublemaker. Also, follow the podcast on Instagram! Email with feedback or questions!